
Hey everyone! I’ve been pouring my heart and soul to provide readable translation for Japanese light novel and manga, and I’m thrilled to see the positive impact they’re having on everyones life.

Creating high-quality content involves a lot of behind-the-scenes work, from getting the raw, equipment needed to do editing works to software subscriptions and lot’s of other research materials. It’s truly a labor of love, but it does come with its fair share of expenses.

I’m incredibly grateful for all the kind words, comments, and messages of encouragement I’ve received from you. Your support keeps me motivated and inspired to keep sharing my passion with the world.

If you’d like to support my work in other ways, you can help by subscribing to my blog or sharing my posts with friends who might find them enjoyable. Every little bit counts!

If you’d like to buy me a virtual coffee to show your appreciation and help me continue my passion, you can find a link to my Ko-fi page in the description below. Your support means the world to me!